Acts of Compassion: Tony Robbins Plants Trees!

In honor of Earth Day recently, Tony Robbins put up a $250,000 pledge to match all Earth Day donations, crazy nice move!

I just wanted to acknowledge how awesome that is. That's a lot of money!

This donation was with our tree planting partner Trees for the Future. We don't have the updated numbers yet on Earth Day numbers, but you can hit up to get the details.

Do you know about Tony?

He's an incredible human being that has dedicated his life to giving back.

Here's how I know Tony:

  • He donates millions of meals for Feeding America
  • He's all about gratitude and compassion. Check out his daily 10 minute "priming" exercise here
  • He coaches some of the highest performers on this planet
  • He literally saves people's lives
  • He's a super positive person that works hard to make great change in the world

I first got into Tony's work while listening to him on the Tim Ferriss podcast Episode 37 and 38.

I've also since incorporated part of his gratitude exercise into my regular routine.

The guy is smart, compassionate, hard working, and pretty much turned himself into a super human.

If you want to be inspired, watch his Netflix special I Am Not Your Guru. Try not to laugh and cry at the same time haha.

Thanks Tony for all the good you do in the world!

P.S. I didn't plan on this being such a pump for Tony, I just wanted to acknowledge the extra trees he's planted through our partner with Trees for the Future... but what can I say the dudes awesome!

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