Earth Day is Today... Earth Day is Everyday

Category: Community Trees

Author: Joe

April 22, 2017

Happy Earth Day everyone! Join us in celebration by simply going for a hike or chillin with friends outside in nature :)

We love Earth Day everyday - our whole mission revolves around making a positive impact on the Earth by promoting and using eco friendly materials, and planting trees every single day through our customer sales.

Having a holiday to acknowledge our beautiful planet and be inspired to live greener is awesome, so we're donating extra to plant 1,000 trees today, through one of our tree planting partners - Eden Reforestation Projects.

We work with 4 tree planting partners and like to spread the love, but the reason we chose Eden today is because they have a really cool project they're working on right now, and want to give a shout to them. Check out their newest campaign, where they're helping to restore an entire region of Madagascar: Eden True Village Project. What an inspiring video!

This project will restore trees and beauty to the Earth, while also lifting thousands of villagers out of extreme poverty and into a higher quality and sustainable life.

Thanks for being a part of our Tribe, have a cool day!

Author: Joe


I'm into outdoor adventures, hiking, traveling, and having fun 😃 My goal is to make a positive impact on the world and live in harmony with the Earth.

Favorite nature spot: Any forest, probably Big Sur California

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