June Instagram Contest Winners


Author: Joe

June 16, 2016

Since June is our 1 year anniversary month, we wanted to celebrate and give thanks to our supporters. So we ran a 2 week contest to post a pic with Tree Tribe sunglasses, and we'd select 2 winners to get a free pair of shades, and 500 trees planted in their name.

Well here are the 4 winners! We couldn't decide on just 2, we felt these all represented well what Tree Tribe stands for - Nature, Adventure, Community, and Travel. So we just threw our hands up and said lets do 4 winners :)

We partnerd with Eden Projects on this one, and our winners have the choice to plant their 500 trees in Ethiopia, Madagascar, Haiti, or Nepal.

You can check out the entries at instagram.com/treetribestyle. Look for the winning post above with the plants wearing sunglasses, all the way up to winners posted with the certificate.

Thanks everyone who participated, and thanks for being a part of the Tribe and helping to plant more trees on Earth!

Author: Joe


I'm into outdoor adventures, hiking, traveling, and having fun 😃 My goal is to make a positive impact on the world and live in harmony with the Earth.

Favorite nature spot: Any forest, probably Big Sur California

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