Plastic Free July: Small Actions = Big Impact

Category: Sustainability

Author: Lydia

July 02, 2020

Title: Plastic Free July | Join the Movement!


It’s that time of year again – the time where we take a closer look at our plastic consumption! While we try to always be mindful of what kind of impact we’re having on Mother Earth, this month, let’s make it a priority! Especially since the UNEP still estimates that the world produces around 300 million tons of plastic a year… yikes. 



First, let’s do a quick refresher on just why Plastic Free July exists! Brace yourself, these stats are a bit intense!

  • It is estimated that about 18 billion pounds of plastic finds its way into our oceans every year (imagine a truckload entering the ocean every minute, yikes!).
  • 40% of all plastic that is produced is used only once and then thrown away.
  • Less than 1/5th of all plastic that is used globally is recycled; the remainder is burned or ends up in landfills.
  • It's estimated that five trillion pieces of plastic are in our oceans - this is enough plastic to circle the Earth more than 40 times!



Okay, those numbers are a bit depressing. However, it seems to me that we’re in a better place with plastic consumption that ever before! More and more companies are having the conversation about plastic consumption, production, and alternatives. Check out these 19 companies that have pledged to ditch plastic entirely! (


Additionally, there are more options for swapping your single use plastics for more environmentally friendly options! Here’s some of my favorites:


First up, naturally… are reusable straws and bottles! I’m a little partial, but ours are pretty top notch! Check out our highly rated Eco-Bottles ( and bamboo and metal straws ( Seriously, if you’re just starting out on your journey to a more sustainable life, straws and bottles are the easiest to swap! 


Next up, ditch those flimsy plastic grocery bags for a spunky, durable reusable one! Most grocery stores even sell then by the register now for when you constantly forget them in the car (looking directly at myself here!). These from Love Bags are one of my favorites AND they’re partially made from recycled materials! ( Speaking of the grocery store, which is plastic-galore for most people, shop these reusable cotton mesh produce bags from Net Zero! 






Once you’ve made some switches in your life, considering bringing others along the journey with you (PS, these all make great gifts!). Educate yourself and others and look for companies that share the same eco values that you do! No one will ever be perfect but remember it’s always progress > perfection. Tiny steps in the right direction? Mother Earth will thank you! 




Author: Lydia

Brand Development Manager, Product Designer

Lydia has a deep passion for traveling and exploring the world. When she’s not working on her next project or adventuring, you can find her reading, working out, and spending time with her inner circle.

Favorite nature spot: Tela, Honduras

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