Update to Our Tree Planting Model

Category: Trees

Author: Joe

June 29, 2019

Tree Tribe started in 2015 as a way to give back to the Earth and raise awareness on sustainability in the physical product industry (fashion, apparel, accessories).

As the founder, I wanted to start a company that had a purpose to help our planet while making a positive impact on the world.

I was inspired by the "1 for 1 model" and said "Ya know what 1 for 1 is cool but I want to do 10 for 1!". That started our model of planting 10 trees on every sale.

We've planted over 400,000 trees

That idea + our cool customers that vibe with the mission + the hard work of my team and I has helped us contribute to planting over 400,000 trees in 12 different countries.

That feels great!

But eCommerce is insanely competitive (and has been growing exponentially in the past few years), and large apparel chains have set the bar so low on pricing that competing while growing a sustainable company is becoming increasingly difficult.

We've found that while most people prefer ethically created products and more trees on Earth, the price difference is still a major factor.

For example you can buy a shirt for $10, which is crazy when you think of all the components involved (cost of material, tags, printing, labor, shipping, returns, packaging, advertising, customer support, overhead, etc).

I don't want to bore you with biz details, just sharing a bit from my experience in this industry and a reason we've decided to adjust our tree planting model.

We're changing to 1 tree planted per sale

I still believe in the model and Tree Tribe exists to plant trees and inspire a more Earth friendly way of life, consciously creating and giving back to the planet.

We'll always plant trees, and we choose to look at the positive side of this change: that we plant a tree on every sale and maintain high standards in product quality and sourcing.

Our partners

We're still keeping the same tree planting partners. They're supportive and have continued to thank us for our donations to plant trees and contribute to revitalizing sustainable growth in communities around the world.

If you're not familiar with our planting partners, check out our Tree map.

What else is new?

Not much :) We're still working on coming up with new designs, looking for more eco friendly manufacturers to partner with, and trying to spread more positive vibes and inspire people to enjoy more time in nature.

Thank you

I hope you're cool with the change from planting 10 trees per sale to 1 tree per sale.

And whether you're a customer that's contributed to planting trees, a newcomer that just discovered us, or a casual fan on our Instagram, on behalf of our team we want to say thank you for being a part of our community and supporting small companies with a social mission. You're awesome! [air hug]

Author: Joe


I'm into outdoor adventures, hiking, traveling, and having fun 😃 My goal is to make a positive impact on the world and live in harmony with the Earth.

Favorite nature spot: Any forest, probably Big Sur California

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